
The goal of NFTour was to create an accessible, engaging, and user-friendly Web 3 virtual tour app that allows users to explore, bookmark, and purchase NFT artworks from digital art galleries by connecting their digital wallets.

As the Lead UX Designer, I was responsible for conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, designing the user interface, conducting usability testing, and incorporating feedback into the final design. Additionally, I created the logo and developed comprehensive branding guidelines.

Phone showing the video tour
connect wallet mobileWALLET CONNECT SCREEN


Develop an intuitive user interface: Ensure easy navigation for users of all technical skill levels.

Enhance accessibility: Incorporate features that cater to users with varying needs, including visual and auditory impairments.

Facilitate easy purchases: Integrate a seamless process for users to connect their digital wallets and purchase NFT artworks using Ethereum.

Improve user engagement: Include features like bookmarking, sharing, and commenting on artworks.

Ensure security and trust: Implement robust data protection measures and secure blockchain transactions.

Create cohesive branding: Develop a logo and branding guidelines to ensure a consistent and professional brand identity.

target Users

The target users for NFTour include digital art enthusiasts, collectors, and anyone interested in exploring and purchasing NFT artworks through an immersive and accessible platform. From tech-savvy millennials to older generations who appreciate art, NFTour is designed to be accessible to everyone.


Accessibility: Ensuring the app was fully accessible to users with disabilities required extensive testing and adjustments.

User Engagement: Designing features that kept users engaged without overwhelming them was a delicate balance.

Seamless Integration: Integrating the digital wallet connection smoothly into the virtual tour experience was technically challenging.

User Feedback Incorporation: Rapidly iterating on designs based on user feedback while maintaining project timelines.

Brand Consistency: Creating a logo and branding guidelines that were consistent and resonated with the target audience.


I conducted a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including in-depth user interviews, surveys, and usability testing sessions. The aim was to understand user needs, preferences, and pain points when navigating virtual art galleries and purchasing NFT artworks using digital wallets. This comprehensive research provided valuable insights to guide the design and development of a user-friendly platform.


Need for Accessibility: Users with visual impairments struggled with existing virtual tour apps, highlighting the need for better accessibility features.

Desire for Easy Navigation: Users wanted a straightforward, intuitive interface that allowed them to focus on the art, not the navigation.

Interest in Interactive Features: Features like bookmarking, commenting, and sharing artworks were highly desired to enhance user engagement.

Importance of Seamless Purchases: Users wanted a smooth, secure, and quick process to connect their digital wallets and purchase NFT artworks.

Brand Recognition: Consistent and professional branding was important to build trust and recognition among users.


The project resulted in a highly intuitive and engaging virtual tour app that effectively met user needs. User research insights led to an enhanced user interface, improved accessibility features, and streamlined NFT artwork purchases. A digital wallet connection ensured secure transactions. The addition of a mute button, improved bookmark and share icon placements, and accessibility settings boosted user satisfaction. The meticulously crafted branding guidelines and logo aligned with the app’s modern image, contributing to a cohesive and professional user experience.

What I Learned

This project reinforced the importance of user-centered design and iterative feedback loops. I learned that addressing accessibility from the beginning can significantly enhance the user experience for all users. Balancing user needs with technical feasibility and project timelines was a valuable lesson in project management and design execution. Integrating digital wallets and blockchain technology was a crucial step in aligning with Web 3 principles, ensuring secure and seamless transactions for users. Additionally, creating a strong brand identity from the outset helped in establishing trust and recognition among users.

Skill Set


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